
Monday, February 15, 2010

Favorite Things - Pincushion Rings

I thought I'd share some of my favorite things...first up Pincushion rings.  Seriously how many times did I drop, misplace, lose, or vaccum up my needles.  Well I decided to bring the pincushion to my finger tips...literally.  I use pincushion rings!  I make them from wool felt and a nice sturdy metal ring base, design them as pretty flowers and BAM no more lost needles.   

1 comment:

  1. These are awesome !
    I've made them before, but just for me and mine were not as pretty.

    I too am an avid recycler.
    I'm also an organic gardener, a natural product maker, and an all around eco-friendly person.

    My sister DID member, I hope you sell 1,000's of these rings !

    Organically Yours,
