
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Refreshed...with games

I've been MIA for a while here on my blog...I know.  I guess I've been trying to figure out how to balance it all and give 100% to everything.  Well turns out that's pretty hard!  So I'm back now and totally refreshed :)  I'm still rocking the retro glam coctail chic thing...and still loving it.  However as a mom of 2 kids I've decided to also craft things for them, my boys could care less about hair flowers and flasks :)  So I've been taking some time to do that and work it into my everyday work and crafting.  I'll also be sharing a bunch of new ideas with you all...really fun stuff!  First up a retro style wooden memory match game.  I've been keeping one of these in my purse and my kids have been entertained time after time at doctors offices, restaurants, starbucks...

Super easy to make - 1 inch wooden discs, one inch images circles (just search etsy, there's a ton) a one inch paper punch and a little mod podge.  Cut glue, seal...easy peasy lemon squeezy!


  1. yotoOh...I like it! Gotta make a matching game to aid in teaching my little guy his "letters".

  2. Cute. I like it. I'm a local, I'm sure I've seen you walking around downtown!
