Black Swan Martini Tutu

>> Friday, February 25, 2011

In honor of my favorite Oscar flick "Black Swan" I decided to serve cocktails dressed in a black tutu for the Oscars.  Super fun right :)  I plan on making these amazing white chocolate martinis and calling them "White Swan Martinis" so of course I felt the need to create the black swan tutu to go along with it!

Simply cut off about 12 inches of black tulle from a 6 inch roll (the kind they sell at the craft stores, usually in the bridal section), fold it over so it's now 3 inches by 12 inches, cut up and fringe about 1.5 inches about every inch to give it that "tutu" look, then stitch a running stitch along the top.  Grab your glass, pull the stitch so it bunches up and tie it to secure it around your glass.  I added a sparkly button with a few loose fancy!  You will be the hit of Oscar night with stylih tutu glass!


Refreshed...with games

>> Thursday, February 24, 2011

I've been MIA for a while here on my blog...I know.  I guess I've been trying to figure out how to balance it all and give 100% to everything.  Well turns out that's pretty hard!  So I'm back now and totally refreshed :)  I'm still rocking the retro glam coctail chic thing...and still loving it.  However as a mom of 2 kids I've decided to also craft things for them, my boys could care less about hair flowers and flasks :)  So I've been taking some time to do that and work it into my everyday work and crafting.  I'll also be sharing a bunch of new ideas with you all...really fun stuff!  First up a retro style wooden memory match game.  I've been keeping one of these in my purse and my kids have been entertained time after time at doctors offices, restaurants, starbucks...

Super easy to make - 1 inch wooden discs, one inch images circles (just search etsy, there's a ton) a one inch paper punch and a little mod podge.  Cut glue, seal...easy peasy lemon squeezy!


Martha Stewart - Craft of the Day

>> Thursday, January 20, 2011

Martha Stewart - Craft of the Day

I am in love.


Matryoshka Doll Necklace

>> Sunday, January 9, 2011

I just love these little russian dolls!  Here's a fun tutorial to make a sweet little matryoshka necklace for yourself.  All you need is shrinky dinks for the inkjet printer, a small hole punch and a necklace!

First find a cute doll and print it on the shrinky dink paper (just follow their directions) then cute it out...

Punch a hole for the jumpring...

Lay it between 2 pieces of paper (I used a lunch bag) and bake according to the directions.  For me it was about 2 mins @ 300degrees

See how much it shrinks and thickens...

So fun and super easy!